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Retrieve events from a repository or issue.


get_events(repository, issue = NULL)



A character of repository "owner/repo".


The number of the issue


A data.frame with the information available for the event and the issue it is linked.


GitHub API

See also


get_events("llrs/blogR", 2)
#>   assignees assignee label state locked milestone n_comments title created
#> 1        NA       NA          NA     NA                   NA    NA      NA
#> 2        NA       NA          NA     NA                   NA    NA      NA
#>   updated association text id closer poster   event                date
#> 1      NA          NA   NA  2     NA     NA renamed 2019-07-12 15:56:28
#> 2      NA          NA   NA  2     NA     NA  closed 2019-07-14 10:46:49
#>           triggerer                                             action
#> 1 llrs, User, FALSE New post, New post: grants deadline and resolution
#> 2 llrs, User, FALSE                                               NULL
ge <- get_events("llrs/blogR")
#>  Running gh query
#>  Running gh query, got 100 records of about 200
ge[1:10, c("event", "date", "id", "assignee", "assignees")]
#>       event                date id          assignee                 assignees
#> 1   labeled 2022-02-08 16:47:58 65                NA                        NA
#> 2  assigned 2022-01-19 10:57:14 63 llrs, User, FALSE NA, NA, llrs, User, FALSE
#> 3   labeled 2022-01-19 10:57:08 63 llrs, User, FALSE NA, NA, llrs, User, FALSE
#> 4   labeled 2022-01-14 16:17:46 62                NA                        NA
#> 5   labeled 2022-01-14 16:16:55 61                NA                        NA
#> 6    closed 2021-12-30 14:17:39 53 llrs, User, FALSE NA, NA, llrs, User, FALSE
#> 7    closed 2021-12-30 12:30:36 59                NA                        NA
#> 8   labeled 2021-12-30 00:23:36 53 llrs, User, FALSE NA, NA, llrs, User, FALSE
#> 9   labeled 2021-12-29 23:27:13 59                NA                        NA
#> 10  labeled 2021-12-29 19:54:48 58                NA                        NA